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POSITIVE aims to solve loneliness of the seniors caused not by social isolation resulting from immobility – but by a lack of a meaningful purpose in life, disconnection, boredom. Family is now harder to depend on, the job market for elderly especially after retirement is hostile. The top needs in Maslow’s hierarchy, like self-actualization become more prominent. The market is missing a platform that will provide such services and social networking for seniors in a way that is more fit han it is for the younger generations.


Expected results and impact

The platform will be commercially available in several European countries two years after the project end. It will facilitate a social network between family members and carers, with services that will support active engagement of users, promoting both independence and interaction with the others. This will improve self-esteem and a feeling of dignity while, in parallel, carers and families will be able to see and support seniors’ daily living.

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